Azar Poulad Aras
Supply, processing and recycling
The use of processed iron scrap has a significant impact on controlling and lowering production costs and preventing potential hazards, and by reducing the melting time, it decreases the electricity consumption as a parameter that affects the final price and other consumables of furnaces such as refractories and ferroalloys and thus increases the efficiency of the smelter.
Nowadays the processing of scrap iron before charging to the furnace is considered as one of the main steps in smelting factories, and Azar Poulad Aras Steel Processing Company by equipping the factories with Special machines, and training specialized personnel with more than a decade of experience a specialized approach in this field in the last few years, and is one of the most important companies active in this field in Iran and is considered one of the most important companies of Aras Steel Holding.
Processing and its Pros:
- The processed scrap increases production by reducing the melting time and thus increases the efficiency of the smelting plant.
- Reducing the melting time reduces the electricity consumption as an influencing parameter in the final price and other consumables of the furnaces (refractories and ferroalloys) and thus leads to lower production costs.
- To make proper use of lightweight scrap, which has increased over the last few years with the reduction of heavy scrap, the company produces presses in the appropriate dimensions of the furnace with high density using high-technology crushing presses, expertise and experience of its personnel, and processing machinery which leads to reduction of furnace charging times and less slag removal.
There is a possibility of any impurities in raw materials purchased as bulk scrap; Usually, 90% of the scraps purchased in pressed form cause huge losses for the smelter due to its two molds and embedding soil or oxide impurities; Therefore, using this type of scrap in the furnace before separating and processing the materials can increase the risk of work and bring irreparable financial and human losses.